Sunday, January 16, 2011

Into 2011, and no major headache to report as of yet.

Hope you got through the holidays better than I did! Damn holiday season, this year, left me feeling as though the cat dragged me into the street so I could be run over by a herd of wild elephants. I will recover from the blow....maybe...we shall see.
Headache-wise, meantime...since this the journal/blog that was recommended that I start (Doctor's recommendation) major headaches yet this year. I had a couple semi-bad ones a week or two ago...because of those, I ran out of my Extra-Strength Percocet. And my nephrologist doesn't want me getting any more refills of I guess I'll have to depend on Tylenol and/or Excedrin (depending on if I can take those two as needed and NOT wind up with another ulcer!!).
I see my blogs are short (but sweet) when there's no catastrophic ailments to report. So, I suppose this is good.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! I wish you, while I'm at it here, I wish you a 2011 that will be even better than 2010 was!!!!
xo xo

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No earth-shatteringly God-awful headaches to report...

I've been silent.
But, silence is not always golden.
So, I am breaking my silence to let you know that I haven't posted anything new, because I haven't really had any God-awful headaches lately.
I did have a touch of a headache today, so I took a couple Percocets...but it's been a long time since I needed to take a painkiller...which is great, because getting a refill on Percocet is like pulling teeth out of a giraffe.
While I am here, let me just wish you all a very, very Happy Holiday season!! Merry Christmas...Happy Hanukkah (whenever that is or was)...Happy Kwanzaa (if you happen to celebrate that)...and of course, a very, very Happy New Year (2011)!!! All the very best to you, and thank you very very much for coming by and reading my blog!!
I stopped writing on my other blogs (Myspace and my other Google blog), because no one read, and no one commented. I would stop this one too, except I had started it in the first place because a doctor recommended I do so, and I thought it was a pretty good idea...since I seem to have a desire to exercise my writing talents...however, it's discouraging when you feel like you're writing for nobody!! I mean...I already know my life story...I know what I have been through...the good, the bad, and the ugly...and I know what it took to get me to my here and now. But, if no one else cares, why do I even bother...(*SIGH!!*)
Anyway, thank you again for stopping by, and again, Happy Holidays and a very, very Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

No new news worth reporting...

Since Oct. 8 (my last post), I can't say that I have had any headaches worth noting. This is wonderful. I think this is the longest that I have gone without a serious headache. I haven't even had to take any painkillers since that last one, two weeks ago.
It may have helped that I have been able to start driving again, and so can get out of the house once in a while. I find that, often times, that does help, to get out of the house.
Just wanted to let you know that my silence here isn't because I'm too sick to's because I'm essentially pain-free enough that I really have had no headaches worth telling you about.
If you have stopped by and taken a look here, I thank you...your feedback and your viewership means the world to me, and that is what keeps me from stopping writing altogether. I started this particular blog due to a doctor's recommendation, but with no feedback and no viewers, I could still stop it at any time. So...thank you again!! Love ya!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Killah Headache...and a possible pattern...

I forced myself here to my computer to note that I've had a killer headache this morning/early afternoon. This one comes complete with nausea too, so I'm trying to rest and be sure that I don't throw up my anti-rejection meds (VERY important that I keep those down!). I took Phenergan for the nausea, but wound up feeling nauseous nonetheless...and I took two extra-strength Percocets, but still have a touch of a headache nonetheless.
To what can I attribute this??? I don't know. Stress??? Or, is this a pattern I'm supposed to make note of?? It's been a month since my last headache (I am NOT counting the headache I had two or three weeks ago, because I am pretty sure that one was eye-strain from having to look at my Mobile Web all weekend (I'd lost my Internet connection, so stress could have been part of it as well). All other things being equal, this is a once-a-month thing so far. This morning, I also noticed that I was seeing flashes of light, that came out of nowhere. Hmmmmm...menopause???? That could be...since I haven't had a period since June. Hmmmmmmmm...
Well, in the interest of keeping you all posted, I will do so. But, I'm going to close this post here, and will be back next time I have a headache to note.
Thanks for reading and being willing to learn about my experience with frequent headaches.
Love ya!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I could stop writing on here too, but....

Last weekend, I was without Internet and couldn't access my blogs via Mobile Web.
But, I did indeed have a pretty bad headache, with nausea, last Sunday.
Today, I have another such headache. It's trying to get the better of me, but I'm not letting it. I'm gonna take a little nap, and hope that the pain and nausea subside soon.
I could stop writing this blog too, but I started it as per a doctor's suggestion that I keep a log of my headaches and see if I notice a pattern.
Last weekend's headache was, more than likely, eye strain. That damn Mobile Web is hard on the eyes, believe me!!
If you read this, and want to comment, please feel free to, and I'll answer you, if your comment warrants an answer.
Thank you for reading--if you did!!!
Believe me...if I had the power to, I would take away all the pain and suffering in the world...No one would be hurting, or suffering in any way, if it were up to me.
But alas...I can't always take away my own pain and suffering.
Just thought I'd throw that one in, because it is the truth!!
Love ya!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And yet another headache....

I see by this blog that it's only been two days since my last headache...
And already, here I am with yet another headache.
No nausea or vomiting, yet. But, I'll keep you posted and let you know of any changes.
Thanks for keeping up with me! :-)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pretty bad headache...

Again, a pretty nasty headache, as of this evening...but, no nausea or vomiting, yet.
I'll keep you posted.
Update: As of today, Sep. 22, 2010, my headache from the evening of Sep. 21 seems to have let up. Again, I'll keep you posted as to any changes that might come up.